1. Skin. By: Rick Jasper

    It's about a boy named Nick that has ache and he went to the hospital to check it, The doctor told him it's not major. End of reading Page 1-5 Chapter 1.

    1. We are legion.

    2. Skin Chapter 2: So it talks about nick's life "My name is Nick Berry and I am invisible, at least for now" In this chapter Nick talks about how he seems invisible and no one pays attention to him and the only way to get attention is by doing causing Troble. End of Chapter 2. page 6-10

  2. January 8th 2013.

    Question: What is happening in this picture?

    Answer: Malala is being released from UK's hospital to go back home in Pakistan.

    Question: What happened to Malala?

    Answer: She got shot in the neck and head when a gunmen got on the bus and shot at short range, the terriost group was the Talibans.

    Question: If Malala returns to Pakistan, what do you think she will do?

    Answer: Malala well speak for all the girls that can't go to school.

  3. In question 2, you could have split your answer into two sentences.
    I would suggest placing the period between the word "range" and "the." I believe the answer would sound clearer.

  4. I think Chris Spence should be resigned because,

    Plagiarism is a serious thing, I think Chris Spence is a good man for admitting his mistakes, but yet he has plagiarized many other stuff from sites which I think if he wasn't discovered he might of made this an common habit to plagiarize. Chris has made kids look up to him and he does this, This reflects really poorly on him and his reputation, So I think resigning him was a good idea to do.

    -Zhao Lun

  5. Hi Zhao Lun. Thanks for your thoughtful entry. You have done a very good job on the Relate portion of the article. I think Dr. Spence made this habit of copying the words of others. It is unfortunate because he is the "top teacher" in the TDSB and lots of students and staff looked up to him.

    I am of the mind that people are allowed to make a mistake but it seems as though many mistakes were made over a long period of time and Dr. Spence had no choice but to resign.

    I would like you to spend some more time on the Reflect portion of the entry and post some questions. For example, would he still be the Director of the TDSB if the Toronto Star decided not to publish the article. In other words, would he have been caught sooner, rather than later?

    Be sure to include a brief Retell (summary) of the article.

  6. 1:Who was Rosa Parks?

    A1: Rosa Parks was a woman who refused to give her seat up to a white man, her actions caused her to get arrested.

    2: What might Rosa Parks do next?

    A2: She might speak to all other peoples against discrimination to black people, and try to make equal rights to white and blacks.

    3:How might Rosa Parks achieve her goals, to erase Discrimination?

    A3: She might do charity works, speak to open-minded people, and attend meetings to speak for people's equal rights.

    4: Where might Rosa Parks start?

    A4: She might start in her neighborhood with her friends, family, Etc, and might expand to other places and make meeting halls.

  7. For your Level 2 question, I have to let you know that Rosa Parks is dead. Now that you know this, you may want to rethink your question.

    Your Level 1, 3, and 4 questions are very clear. Good for you. This is the kind of work I expect of you: thoughtful and with some effort.

  8. Please begin working on your Level 1- 4 questions for the Black History project. Please make sure these questions are done by the end of the period of Friday, March 9.

  9. New question 4,

    What would Rosa Parks do before she had past?

    A4: She would tell everybody is equal and should share fair rights ethier colored or white.

  10. So that one seems to be a Level 3 question. Use the chart and keep track of the work.

  11. I think you're done. Run through all of the questions. If you feel confident, then you're ready to move onto the animation portion of the assignment. When I mark the final product, I will be listening for the different level questions.

  12. Newer question 4,

    How might Rosa Parks get people to help her? (Before she past)

    Rosa Parks could get her family and friends to reach out to other people in the neighborhood and try to expand the goal to make everybody have equal rights, and try to get rid of discrimination to all race.

  13. That's a good Level 4 question.

    I think you are close to completing all of your questions and ready to start setting up your animation project. I am hoping to start in on this after the March Break.

    Be sure to go through the blog to make sure your questions are all done. More details to follow!

  14. Level 1 Question:Who was Rosa Parks?

    Level 1 Answer: Rosa Parks was a woman who refused to give her seat up to a white man, her actions caused her to get arrested.

    Level 2 Question: What might Rosa Parks do next? (Before she died)

    Level 2 Answer: She might speak to all other peoples against discrimination to black people, and try to make equal rights to white and blacks.

    Level 3 Question: How might Rosa Parks achieve her goals, to erase Discrimination?

    Level 3 Answer: She might do charity works, speak to open-minded people, and attend meetings to speak for people's equal rights.

    Level 4 Question: Why might Rosa Parks be important to black history to this day?

    Level 4 Answer: So fought for her skin color and wouldn't let whites push her around, even if it means going to prison.

  15. Good work, all of the questions have been completed. You may want to smooth things out, when you begin your script after the March Break.

    I am proud of your efforts!

  16. 24 newspaper Response: Date: May 2nd, 2013


    3 men were charged of interfering in the Boston bombing, they stated they had hid fireworks in a suspect's backpack during the bombing. People say the "trio" swiftly covered for his friend from the FBI, they leaked some pictures of the suspects.


    It makes me feel sick to know United States makes war and not truce, If united States had stood down and signed a peace treaty, they might of saved themselves some time to fix the poverty, homeless, and to fix up the places that has been broken down, but instead of aiding their homes, their just making it even worse.


    I have nothing to reflect on this, but to say that there are other bombings that were even more devastating like the Afghan Wedding Party bombing, 30 people were killed in the bombing, and it wasn't even given attention like the Boston bombing, I'm not saying that the Boston Bombing wasn't big, but I think they should give more attention to other bombings too.

    -Zhao Lun

  17. Ah, yes. So far, you have been the only student who did this the way I want it to be done. I have not read it yet, so maybe I should wait before I offer you all of this praise!

    I think your position on the United States is interesting and you have some very valid points. The issue of poverty seems to be something that is ignored and is very important but I am not sure how you make this connection to what happened in Boston. Try to be a little clearer about this connection so it is easier for me to understand.

    I think your reflection point is excellent! That is a very good question: why are certain events more news-worthy than others? Perhaps because they happen closer to home or are some people or places considered not as important as what happens in North America.
    Solid work, Zhao Lun.

  18. Hero URL: 2.5b7*m2*Midget Clown*Hair:Standard,bowlcut,000000,000000,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,21,Eyes:Faces,face2,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,20,Nose:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,27,Mouth:Standard,tongue,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,18,Beard:Standard,fraBlank,0000FF,FFFFFF,100,100,26,Ears:Standard,hoopsmall,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,19,Skin:Standard,blank,FFFF00,FF00FF,100,100,6,Mask:Standard,notop,FF0000,FFFF00,100,100,22,Headgear:Expansion1,milBeret,FF00FF,070707,100,100,29,Undershirt:Standard,fraBlank,FF00FF,ffffff,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,torn,E7E7E7,FF0000,100,100,8,Coat:CapeFronts,coatarms,FF00FF,A6A6A6,100,100,25,RightGlove:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,16,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,9,Neckwear:Standard,Shoufa,000000,FF00FF,100,100,24,Belt:Standard,sash1,FF00FF,FFFFFF,100,100,15,Leggings:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,10,Overleggings:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,11,Pants:Standard,tiebottom,FFFF00,FF00FF,100,100,14,RightFoot:Standard,slipper,FF00FF,FF00FF,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Expansion1,floppy,FF0000,000000,100,100,12,Back:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,3,Wings:Back,batwings,FF00FF,FF00FF,100,100,4,Tail:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,5,Aura:Standard,music,FFFF00,FF00FF,100,100,2,Companion:BigWeapons,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,31,Background:Standard,fraBlank,ffffff,ffffff,100,100,1,RightHand:Energy,starwand,FF00FF,FF00FF,100,100,30,LeftHand:Energy,stick,FFFF00,5A3410,100,100,28,#

    Ok, my hero is called Midget Clown. He saves babies from homeless power rangers and evil people.

    ***Draft One***

    -Zhao Lun

  19. The other portion of the assignment needs to be completed. Please look at the blog for guidelines. This assignment is meant to be a serious one based on your Strengths and Struggles as a learner.
