Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In thinking about some research in relation to African/Black History Month, I have decided to come up with this template for guiding our project.  The students will be required to ask 4 questions based around a particular topic relating to the contribution someone of African descent has made.  The questions will be leveled from 1-4:

For the initial research, this is a useful site on African Canadian History:

Time in class will be provided for working on this,  Because of the research and animation portion of the project, it will take some time to complete.  For today, you will be using this template to help guide your first session of research.  Please use the blog to keep track of your research.

If it becomes too difficult to use the blog to keep track of your research, we can always use the traditional pen and paper method.

Ms. Zachariah arranged for the International African Inventors Museum to travel to AMG later in the month.  This website can also provide some useful information on the contribution of peoples of African descent:

Friday, 8 February 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

Quite a day for weather!

I just finished responding to the blog entries from last week on the resignation of Dr. Christopher Spence.  I am posting a copy of the Reading Response for future responses on this blog.  Be make sure you comment on all of the response areas:  Retell, Relate, and Reflect.